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Breakout Sessions are now closed.  For more information about individual breakout group materials and follow-up, please contact your Breakout Group Facilitator.


3- 3:45pm, Zoom

Virtual Team Meeting


There are over 20 optional BreakOut Sessions for participants to register to attend, happening from 3:00-3:45pm (CST) during ReImagine. The purpose of these BreakOuts is for participants to be able to meet up with other leaders and get refreshed, share information and ideas, and practice leadership habits in a new and innovative way online in this season. 


Read more about the options below and then register online for your selection at:  Note that registration is only open from July 8th-15th and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Zoom information for those who register will be sent to participants on Thursday, July 16th.   



Each ECC Conference/Region will host a zoom call session hosted by their ministerial leaders/staff for the purpose of connecting pastors with each other and giving brief updates and sharing resources.  

  1. Alaska

  2. Canada 

  3. Pacific Northwest  

  4. Pacific Southwest 

  5. Midwest

  6. Midsouth

  7. Northwest

  8. Central

  9. Great Lakes

  10. Southeast

  11. East Coast



  1. CHET Leaders & Lament - en espanol, hosted by Dean Dr. Karen Figueroa Lamentaciones: Terapia para la Aflicción. Lamentaciones fue escrito con el propósito de enseñarnos la revelación del discernimiento especial, una lección que Dios nos enseña por medio del sufrimiento.  En todas las escrituras se nos dice que el dolor y el sufrimiento son los instrumentos de los que se vale Dios para enseñarnos. Mediante el sufrimiento se consigue la fortaleza de carácter. Es por la bondad de Dios que no hemos sido consumidos. En medio del sufrimiento, Dios nos revela su compasión, gozo, paz y bendición. 

  2. Women of Color Refresh Group - hosted by Dieula Previlon & Ruby Varghese
    Join other women of color and for a refreshing space to check on around self-care for women of color in this season.

  3. Leaders of Color Refresh Group - hosted by Mark Tao  
    Gather with other Black, Indigenous, and people of color to check in and reimagine together how to stay resourced and connected in this season.   

  4. Prayer as a Vehicle to Reimagine - hosted by Stacia Michael & Randall Friesen 
    Discern and pray together over timely realities in the church and in the world; this will be a space to practice and engage in habits of prayer, intercession, listening, etc.  

  5. Chaplains Association Session - hosted by Susan Cosio 

  6. Making Room for Women in Leadership: Practical Strategies for Clergymen -hosted by Jeannette Conver(ACCW)
    Churches are being encouraged to open their doors and allow women to step into their calling and gifting in ministry. While several churches are doing this already, many more are wondering where to start. Come share your stories of mentoring and partnering with women in ministry. Hear ways to help your church move toward a culture where the whole church welcomes women to discover and develop their leadership skills.





Each of these break-outs are being hosted for the purpose of sharing information and resources related to their topic or membership area.


  1. Develop Leaders Information - hosted by Marti Burger & Herb Frost
    Join Herb Frost, Director of Vocational and Spiritual Development and Marti Burger, Director of Vocational Innovation, for an interactive conversation about resources the Covenant has to offer our pastoral community from Financial Leadership, Thriving in Ministry Cohorts, Sustaining Pastoral Excellence grants to Creating Cultures of Generosity for your congregations, ministries powered by the Lilly Foundation. 

  2. Sexuality and Pastoral Care - hosted by Greg Applequist & Mary Peterson
    At Midwinter, Greg and Mary facilitated a conversation around pastoral care and four topics: premarital sex, sexual abuse, LGBTQ questions, and pornography.  We will continue that conversation and think together as pastors about how to navigate similar topics.

  3. Reimagining the Six-Fold Test - hosted by Mosaic Commission/Presidents of the Ethnic Commissions
    This session will focus on the Sixfold Test and help people reimagine how to implement and be part of a re-launch of the sixfold test.



White Leaders Enagaging Anti-racism & Next Steps (2 Sessions)


These groups will discuss practical next steps and ways white leaders can embody the work it takes to reimagine anti-racist leadership and witness in the ECC. There are two sessions being offered. (Session content will further develop the morning’s Ongoing Education training with Dr Edmonson, but you may attend this whether or not you participated in the earlier education.)   


  1. Anti-Racism Zoom Session 1 hosted by David Swanson & Cheryl Lynn Cain

  2. Anti-Racism Zoom Session 2 hosted by Michelle Clifton-Soderstrom & Luke Swanson 

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